boobs, bananas & guns (2021)
whatsthe bigmistry - Priya mistry with bob karper & keir Cooper
[ National Justice Museum ]
"Where does Power come from?"
A Visual Art-Film exploring money, women, anti-production, survival, language and identity. Commissioned by the National Justice Museum. Originally shown as part of 'POWER' (2021-2022) both installed at the gallery and also digitally via their virtual exhibition software. Running time: 10:09 ....................... Production, Performance and Direction - whatsthebigmistry Filming and Editing - Bob Karper Music Compostion & Sound - Keir Cooper Audio Description - Dot Alma Access Support - Nikki Disney Project Manager - Alice Roots Locations: LCB Depot, Ideation Space National Justice Museum IGC Attenburgh Arts Commissioned by National Justice Museum, with funding by NJM and Arts Council England. |